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IJBH International Journal on Biomedicine and Healthcare LoginRegister
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International Journal on Biomedicine and Healthcare

Founder and the First Editor-in-Chief of the journal has been Professor Jana Zvarova, Prague, Czech Republic who establieshed this journal in the year 2013. The journal aims to inform the readers about the latest developments in the field of biomedicine and healthcare, focusing on multidisciplinary approaches, new methods, results and innovations. It will publish original articles, short original articles, review articles, case reports, and short format articles reporting about advances of biomedicine and healthcare, abstracts of conference submissions, case-studies and articles that explore how science, education and policy are shaping the world and vice versa, editorial commentary, opinions from experts, information on projects, new equipment and innovations.

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The journal aims to inform the readers about the latest developments in the field of biomedicine and healthcare, focusing on multidisciplinary approaches, new methods, results and innovations. It will publish original articles, short original articles, review articles, case reports, and short format articles reporting about advances of biomedicine and healthcare, abstracts of conference submissions, case-studies and articles that explore how science, education and policy are shaping the world and vice versa, editorial commentary, opinions from experts, information on projects, new equipment and innovations.